Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/161

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"Quiet!" commanded Betty. "Mollie, are you in there?"

The storm had, in a measure, ceased now, and the only sounds from without was the falling of the rain.

"That—that couldn't have been thunder or lightning," said Betty, with a puzzled air.

"It was the wind—that is still blowing," insisted Mrs. Mackson. "Don't be frightened, girls. We must get Mollie out of that room. She has certainly fainted, and when she comes to she will be horribly frightened if we are not with her. Try the door again, Betty."

Betty did so, but it would not give.

"We must break it down!" decided the chaperone, resolutely. "Is there anything we can use?"

"There's a chair in that other room," said Amy, indicating the apartment they had looked in, only to find it untenanted. "We might use that."

"The very thing!" declared Mrs. Mackson. "We'll get it!"

She started for the other room, followed the others, when Grace cried:


They listened.

"What is it?" asked Betty.