Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/194

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Surprise at Betty's exclamation held her companions silent for a moment, and then Mollie cried:

"Are you sure, Betty? Are you sure? Caii it be possible that we have found her again?"

"Of course I'm sure!" declared Betty, as she advanced to assist Mr. Blackford in caring for the girl, who lay white and senseless in his arms. "You'll be sure, too, as soon as you take a good look at her. Isn't that hair evidence enough?" and she let some of the girl's luxurious tresses, that had come unbound, slip through her fingers. "And see her face—and there's the scar she got when she fell from the tree. Of course it's the same girl!"

"I believe it is," murmured Grace. "But how came she here?"

"Another one of the mysteries to be explained," said Amy. "But hadn't we better see first if we can revive her?"