Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/216

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Betty furnished the next sensation. As the man in charge of the officers passed near the auto, poor Carrie cowering away from him, though he no longer had it in his power to harm her, the Little Captain exclaimed:

"Girls! Girls! He's the old hair doctor—the man we met with the gay wagon—Bennington's Restorer!"

"Who is?" demanded Amy.

"That man—the one they have arrested. He's the one we gave the bolt to."

"Ha! That settles it!" cried Mollie. "That was where I first saw the scarred thumb! It's all working out now! I didn't remember at first. His hair is black instead of white."

"Dye," murmured Grace. "It is he all right!"

The farmer came hurrying through the crowd with the justice to whom he had gone to make a complaint. Above his head he waved a paper, crying: