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"It is not finished yet. Call no man happy till he is dead, you know."

He laughed, and then said with some embarrassment, "You and Blake seemed to be talking very earnestly when you were waiting by the sliprails."

"Were we? I forget."

"He was holding your hand."

"You have very keen eyes, Mr. Hallett."

"But he was holding your hand?"

"Yes, then he was."

"That was odd, wasn't it?"

"It isn't at all odd when a person holds out his hand and asks you to forgive him. You naturally take it."

"Oh! he asked you to forgive him! Had he offended you?"


"By something he said?"


"I wish I knew what he had said."

"How inquisitive you are. Well, it was about you," said Elsie.

"About me?"

"He spoke of you in a way I didn't like."

"Indeed! I don't mind in the least what Mr. Blake says about me."

"Your tone shows that you do. He spoke very nicely of you. He said you were a generous foe, and that he admired and respected you."

"That was very kind of him. Did you object to his praising me?"

"I objected to his calling you a Philistine."

"Oh! now I understand. Thank you, Elsie." His whole face beamed. "You are loyal."

"Am I? I am afraid not. Don't be a Philistine, Frank. I don't like Philistines."

They were able to canter almost all the way to the turning off to Point Row. At the bend where the Point Row gulley fell into the Luya a great rock bulged out into the