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By Maartkn Maartens, author of "God's Fool," " Joost 

Avelingh," etc. i2mo. Cloth, $1.50. " Until the Appletons discovered the merits of Maarten Maartens, the foremost of Dutch novelists, it is doubtful if many American readers knew that there were Dutch novelists. His ' God's Fool * and ' Toost Avelingh ' made for him an American reputa- tion. To our mind this just published work of his is his best. . . . He is a master ol epigram, an artist in description, a prophet in insight." — Boston Advertiser* " It would take several columns to give any adequate idea of the superb way in which the Dutch novelist has developed his theme and wrought out one of the most impressive stories of the period. ... It belongs to the small class of novels which one can not afford to neglect" — Sam Francisco Chronicle. " Maarten Maartens stands head and shoulders above the average novelist of the day in intellectual subtlety and imaginative power." — Boston Beacon, GOZ>'S FOOL. By Maarten Maartens. iamo. Cloth, $1.50. M ' Throughout there is an epigrammatic force which would make palatable a less interesting story of human lives or one less deftly told."— London Saturday Review. " Perfectly easy, graceful, humorous. . . . The author's skill in character-drawing is undeniable." — London Chronicle. " A remarkable work." — New York Times. "Maarten Maartens has secured a firm footing in the eddies of curnent literature. . . . Pathos deepens into tragedy in the thrilling story of 'God's Fool.' "— Philadel- phia Ledger. " Its preface alone stamps the author as one of the leading English novelists of to-day." — Boston Daily Advertiser. "The story is wonderfully brilliant . . . The interest never lags; the style is realistic and intense; and there is a constantly underlying current of subtle humor. . . . It is, in short, a book which no student of modern literature should fail to read. 9 ' — Boston Times. " A story of remarkable interest and point.'*— New York Observer. CYOOST AVELINGH. By Maarten Maartens. ^J i2mo. Cloth, $1.50. "So unmistakably good as to induce the hope that an acquaintance with the Dutch literature of fiction may soon become more general among us." — London Morning Post. In scarcely any of the sensational novels of the day will the reader find more ni f «  nature or more human nature."— London Standard. "A novel of a very high type. At once strongly realistic and powerfully id*al- vatic"— London Literary World. ' " Full of local color and rich in quaint phraseology and suggestion."— London Telegraph. m " Maarten Maartens is a capital story-teller."— Pall Mall Gazette. "Our English writers of fiction will have to look to their laurels."— Birmingham Daily Post. New York : D. APPLETON & CO., 72 Fifth Avenue.