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BY THE SAME AUTHOR. i2mo. Paper, "December Roses."

cents ; cloth, $1.00. 

" For nobility of conception, delicacy of touch, and sustained action, excels any of the author's earlier efforts." — Baltimore American. "A bright little story, told with the author's usual picturesque liveliness 01 World. - coloring." — London Literary i2mo. Paper, "Christina Chard."

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" Mrs. Campbell-Praed has written several interesting novels, but none more thoroughly so and more exquisitely finished in style than ' Christina Chard.' This novel is one to be studied as well as read."— Boston Advertiser. " The story is brightly written, is full ot wit and sar- casm, and is sure to please the lover of spirited fiction." — Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, New York: D. Appleton & Co., 72 Fifth Avenue.