Page:Outlines of European History.djvu/209

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The Age of the Nobles and the Tyrants in Greece 165 written code of laws in Athens? Did it prove a remedy for the dis- tress of the peasant class? Who was Solon? Outline his reforms. Did Solon save Athens from the " tyranny " ? Did the tyranny last long at Athens? What reforms did Clisthenes introduce ? What change in military service and weapons had now taken place ? Of what advantage was this change to the ordinary citizen ? What was ostracism ? Tell some- thing of the " Seven Wise Men." Section 27. What advances in civilization were made in the Age of the Tyrants? in sculpture? music? literature? poetry? What progress do we now discover in religion ? Was there now life hereafter for all? What were the "Mysteries" of Eleusis? What were oracles? Who was the great god of oracles and where was his temple ? Who was Thales ? What did he do ? What effect did his predic- tion have on thinking men's ideas of the world and its control by the gods ? What did they thus create ? Who now appeared in Asia Minor (p. 164)?