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7IO Outlines of European History Readings, Vol. I, chap, xviii. Ogg, Source Book of Mediccval History, chap. XX. Thatcher and McNeal, A Source Book for Mediceval His- tory. Section X, pp. 545-612, gives many interesting documents. Marco Polo's account of his travels is easily had in English. The best edition of Travels of Sir f oh n Mandeville is that published by The Macmillan Company, because it contains the accounts on which the anonymous writer of the travels depended for his information. CHAPTER XXII Emerton, Mediceval Europe, chap. xiii. Rashdall, History of the Universities in the Middle Ages, introductory chapters. Readings, Vol. I, chap. xix. Steele, Mediceval Lore, extracts from an encyclopedia of- the thirteenth century. The Sojig of Roland is trans- lated into spirited English verse by O'Hagan. The reader will find a beautiful example of a French romance of the thirteenth century in an English translation of Aucassin and A^icolette. Mr. Steele gives charm- ing stories of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries in Huon of Bordeaux, Renaud of Mojitauban, and The Story of Alexander. Malory, Mo7:t d' Arthur, a collection of the stories of the Round Table made in the fifteenth century for English readers, is the best place to turn for these famous stories. Robinson and Rolfe, Petrarch (new enlarged edition, 1914), a collection of his most interesting letters. Whitcomb, Literary Source Book of the Ltalian Renaissance. Coulter, Mediceval Garner, a collection of selections from the literary sources. Saintsbury, Flourishing of Romance, a good introduction to medieval literature. Walsh, The Thirteenth, the Greatest of Centuries (rather too enthusiastic in its claims). Smith, Justin H., The Troubadours at Home. Cornish, Chivalry. T>yN^^y., Lnvention of Printing. YxiT^ii km. Books atul their Makers during the Middle Ages. Burckhardt, The Civiliza- tion of the Renaissance in Ltaly. Van Dyck, The History of Paititing. CHAPTER XXIII Johnson, Europe iu the Sixteenth Century, chaps, i-ii. Cainb?'idge Modern History, Vol. I, chaps, iv, xi. See " Charles V," in Encyclopcedia Britannica. Duruy, History of France, Ninth and Tenth Periods. Readings, Vol. II, chap, xxiii. Cambridge Modern History, Vol. II, chap. ii. Dyer and Hassall, Modern Europe (a pohtical history of Europe in 6 vols.), Vol. I. Creighton, History of the Papacy. Pastor, History of the Popes, Vol. V. Bryce, Holy Roman Empire, chap. xiv.