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7i8 Outlines of European History Egyptian commerce, 31 ff.,36, 38 Egyptian industries, 34 ff. Egyptian literature, 42 f.. 53 Egyptian painting, 41 Egyptian religion, 27 f., 51 ff. Egyptian science, 44 Egyptian ships, 30 f., 37 Egyptian society, 38 f., 42 f. Egyptian state, 29 ff., 42 f., 46 Egyptian war, 46 Egyptian writing, 21 ff. E'lam, 97 Electors in the Empire, 575 Eleusis (e lu'sis), 160, 162 Ehzabeth, Queen, 611, 639 ff. Elysian Fields, 144 Embalmment, 27, 46, 50 E mir'ate of Cordova, 375 Empire, the, in Egypt. See Egyp- tian Empire Empire, Holy Roman, 376, 439 f., 452 ff., 458 England, reconversion of, 357 ; in the Middle Ages, 405 ff.; condi- tion of labor in, 430 f. ; rela- tions with Scotland, 425; Prot- estant revolt in, 608 ff. ; under Elizabeth, 639 ff.; Constitutional struggle in, 659 ff. English Church, 664 f. English language, 535 f. E pam i non'das, 212 f. Ep i cu re'ans, 235, 281 E pl'rus, 2 56f. Erasmus, 579 ff . ; attitude of, toward Luther, 588, 608 ; Praise of Folly of, 609 Erechtheus (e rek'thus), 137 E re'tri a, 166 Er got'i mos, 149 En'lil, 63 Estates General, 427 f., 435, 492, 683 Etruscan art, 244 f. Etruscan bronzes, 149, 244, 246 Etruscan kings of Rome, 249, 252 E trus'cans, 244 ff., 249 Eu ae'ne tus, 185 Euboea (ube'a), 137, 166 f., 172 Eu pa'trids, 130 ff. Eu phra'tes River, 58 Eu rip'i des, 190 ff. Eurymedon (u rim'e don) River, 181 Excommunication, 481 Exeter, cathedral of, 515 Exile, the (Hebrew), 106 ff. Fa'bi us, 260 Fabliaux (fab le 5'), 538 Ferdinand, Emperor, 625 and note Ferdinand of Aragon, 565 Festival Street in Babylon, 81 ff. Feudal Age in Egypt, 42 ff. ; tombs of, 42 ff. ; civilization in, 42 ff. Feudal system. See Feudalism Feudalism, 397 ff. ; warfare, 401 f. ; introduction of, into England, 410; introduction of, into France, 435; relation of, to Church, 441 Fiefs. See Feudalism First Cataract of the Nile, 18, 32 Flanders, 411, 504 Flavian amphitheater. See Colos- seum Flayers, 435 ^ Fleur-de-lis (fiiir'de le'), 427 Flint mines, earliest, 13 Florence, 459, 516, 522, 558, 569, 572 Forum, Roman, Fig. 113 and 248 f. France, 429, 434 ff.; natural bound- aries of, 649, 688 ; under Louis XIV, 681 ff. Franche-Comte (frorish kon ta'), 636, 649, 689 Francis I, 571 ; persecution under, 631 Francis II, 632 f. Franciscans, 484 ff. Franks, conquests of, 322, 325 f.; conversion of, 327, 369, 381 Frederick I, Emperor, 452 f., 456, 471 Frederick II, Emperor, 456 f. Frederick, the " winter king," 646 f. Frederick the Wise, 582, 591 French language, 537 and note French mediev^al romances, 537 Fritzlar, sacred oak of Odin at, 358 Furniture, earliest wooden, 12, 37. See Wood