Page:Outlines of European History.djvu/844

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730 Outlines of European History Xavier, Francis, 623 Xenophon (zen'o phon), 79, 211 f. Xerxes (zerk'sez), 170, 174 ff. Yahweh (ya'we), 104, 107 f. York, House of, 433 f. Za'gros Mountains, 99 Za ra thush'tra, 93 Zeus (zus), 144, 190 and Fig. Zeus-Amon, 226 Zo'di ac, signs of, 84 Zo'ro as'ter, 91, 93 f., 100 f. Zo'ser, 25 Zurich, reformation at, 607 Zwingli, 601. 606 f. "3