Page:Over Five Seas and Oceans (Miller, 1894) (IA overfiveseasocea00mill).pdf/108

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guns to salute our flag, 21 to salute the Siamese flag, and kept firing at intervals all day saluting everybody's flag. Thus the day, evening and night passed off very grandly with lots of fun. The natives enjoyed it as much as we did. We closed the grand fandango about 2 A. M. on the 5th, by S. P. Goodale proposing a toast to the writer, to which we responded with good cheer, although very tired. It took nearly all next day to clear up the debris and get in the flags, for we borrowed all the flags from the American ships at the outer anchorage, and all the captains came up to the dinner and had a good time.

Before leaving for home, the King sent his messenger, a noble, for me on Sunday morning, requesting an audience. I told the messenger that inasmuch as Sunday was a day of rest, and I had been in his country nearly five years, and had not violated one of my Christian principles, and as I was about taking my leave of Siam, I did not wish to violate or trespass upon