Page:Over Five Seas and Oceans (Miller, 1894) (IA overfiveseasocea00mill).pdf/31

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to me, with the understanding that I was to have charge of the floating stock, which consisted of one steamer and three lighters, with carrying capacity of 4,000 piculs, or about 250 gross tons. Work was fair. Messrs. Russell & Co. sold their interest, through Chang Lai Soon, an educated Chinaman, to Williams, Anthon & Co., who assumed the shore work. This went along for a time, until one Sunday they took it into their heads to go on an excursion down to the bar. This was in violation of my agreement, which was that the boat should not be run on Sunday, no matter what inducements offered. as my men worked hard six days and six nights, when called upon. But my partners took the boat down the river, Mr. Allen and my native assistant acting as captain and engineer. This act dermined my future action. Next morning, Monday. I called at Williams, Anthon's & Co.'s office, and stated my ultimatum; namely, I was ready to buy or sell, feeling satisfied in my own mind that they were not