Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/168

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 12.

Heav'n had its Part in Sacrifice: The rest
Was broil'd, and roasted for the future Feast.
The chief invited Guests were set around:
And Hunger first asswag'd, the Bowls were crown'd,
Which in deep Draughts their Cares, and Labours drown'd:
The mellow Harp did not their Ears employ:
And mute was all the Warlike Symphony:
Discourse, the Food of Souls, was their Delight,
And pleasing Chat prolong'd the Summer's-night.
The Subject, Deeds of Arms; and Valour shown,
Or on the Trojan Side, or on their own.
Of Dangers undertaken, Fame atchiev'd,
They talk'd by turns; the Talk by turns reliev'd.
What Things but these cou'd fierce Achilles tell,
Or what cou'd fierce Achilles hear so well?
The last great Act perform'd, of Cygnus slain,
Did most the Martial Audience entertain:
Wondring to find a Body free by Fate
From Steel; and which cou'd ev'n that Steel rebate:
Amaz'd, their Admiration they renew;
And scarce Pelides cou'd believe it true.

The Story of Cæneus.

Then Nestor thus: What once this Age has known,
In fated Cygnus, and in him alone,
These Eyes have seen in Cæneus long before;
Whose Body not a thousand Swords cou'd bore.
Cæneus, in Courage, and in Strength, excell'd;
And still his Othry's with his Fame is fill'd:
But what did most his Martial Deeds adorn,
(Though since he chang'd his Sex) a Woman born.
A Novelty so strange, and full of Fate,
His list'ning Audience ask'd him to relate.
Achilles thus commends their common Sute:
O Father, first for Prudence in Repute,
