Page:Ovid's Metamorphoses (Vol. 2) - tr Garth, Dryden, et. al. (1727).djvu/200

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Ovid's Metamorphoses.
Book 13.

Then, rising, I excite their Souls to Fame,
And kindle sleeping Virtue into Flame.
From thence, whatever he perform'd in Fight.
Is justly mine, who drew him back from Flight.
Which of the Grecian Chiefs consorts with Thee?
But Diomede desires my Company,
And still communicates his Praise with me.
As guided by a God, secure he goes,
Arm'd with my Fellowship, amid the Foes;
And sure no little Merit I may boast,
Whom such a Man selects from such an Hoast;
Unforc'd by Lots I went without affright,
To dare with him the Dangers of the Night:
On the same Errand sent, we met the Spy
Of Hector, double tongu'd, and us'd to lie;
Him I dispatch'd, but not till undermin'd,
I drew him first to tell, what treach'rous Troy design'd:
My Task perform'd, with Praise I had retir'd,
But not content with this, to greater Praise aspir'd.
Invaded Rhesus, and his Thracian Crew,
And him, and his, in their own Strength I slew:
Return'd a Victor, all my Vows compleat,
With the King's Chariot, in his Royal Seat:
Refuse me now his Arms, whose fiery Steeds
Were promis'd to the Spy for his Nocturnal Deeds:
Yet let dull Ajax bear away my Right,
When all his Days out-ballance this one Night.
Nor fought I Darkling still: The Sun beheld
With slaughter'd Lycians when I strew'd the Field:
You saw, and counted as I pass'd along,
Alastor, Chromius, Ceranos the Strong,
Alcander, Prytanis, and Halius,
Noemon, Charope., and Ennomus;
Coon, Chersidamas; and five beside,
Men of obscure Descent, but Courage try'd:
