Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900.djvu/1103

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Quhen Flora had o'erfret the firth, 50

Quoth tongue of neither maid nor wife, 656

Remain, ah not in youth alone!, 566

Remember me when I am gone away, 787

Return, return! all night my lamp is burning, 766

'Rise,' said the Master, 'come unto the feast', 711

Robin sat on gude green hill, 16

Roll forth, my song, like the rushing river, 665

Rorate coeli desuper!, 20

Rose-cheek'd Laura, come, 169

Roses, their sharp spines being gone, 141

Round the cape of a sudden came the sea, 725

Sabrina fair, 315

Safe where I cannot die yet, 786

Say, crimson Rose and dainty Daffodil, 177

Say not the struggle naught availeth, 741

Says Tweed to Till, 383

Scorn not the Sonnet; Critic, you have frown'd, 534

Seamen three! What men be ye?, 595

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!, 627

See how the flowers, as at parade, 356

See the Chariot at hand here of Love, 188

See where she sits upon the grassie greene, 80

See with what simplicity, 358

See yon blithe child that dances in our sight!, 662

Sense with keenest edge unusèd, 838

Seven weeks of sea, and twice seven days of storm, 821

Shall I compare thee to a Summer's day?, 145

Shall I strew on thee rose or rue or laurel, 810

Shall I thus ever long, and be no whit the neare?, 54

Shall I, wasting in despair, 237

She beat the happy pavèment, 345

She dwelt among the untrodden ways, 516

She fell away in her first ages spring, 83

She is not fair to outward view, 644

She knelt upon her brother's grave, 790

She pass'd away like morning dew, 645

She stood breast-high amid the corn, 652

She walks in beauty, like the night, 600

She walks—the lady of my delight, 880

She was a phantom of delight, 529