Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/103

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In ship, freight with remembrance

Of thoughts and pleasures past, He sails that hath in governance

My life while it will last: With scalding sighs, for lack of gale, Furthering his hope, that is his sail, Toward me, the sweet port of his avail.

Alas ? how oft in dreams 1 see

Those eyes that were my food; Which sometime so delighted me,

That yet they do me good: Wherewith 1 wake with his return Whose absent flame did make me burn' But when I find the lack, Lord' how I mourn'

When other lovers in arms across

Rejoice their chief delight, Drowned in tears, to mourn my loss

I stand the bitter night In my window where I may see Before the winds how the clouds flee. Lo* what a manner love hath made me'

And in green waves when the salt flood

Doth rise by rage of wind, A thousand fancies in that mood

Assail my restless mind. Alas' now drencheth my sweet foe, That with the spoil of my heart did go, And left me; but alas! why did he so?

drencheth] is drowned.


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