Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/280

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And the foul fiend more to check A crucifix let bless your neck: 'Tis now full tide 'tween night and day; End your groan and come away.

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��227 Vanitas Vamtatum

the flowers of the spring Meet to perfume our burying; These have but their growing prime, And man does flourish but his time. Survey our progress from our birth We are set, we grow, we turn to earth. Courts adieu, and all delights, All bewitching appetites' Sweetest breath and clearest eye Like perfumes go out and die; And consequently this is done As shadows wait upon the sun. Vain the ambition of kings Who seek by trophies and dead things To leave a living name behind, And weave but nets to catch the wind.


��22<? Aurora

O HAPPY Tithon' if thou know'st thy hap, And valucst thy wealth, as I my want, Then needVt thou not which ah' I grieve to grant Repine at Jove, lull'd in his leman's lap.

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