Page:Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.djvu/463

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Half-owre, half-owre to Aberdour,

? Tis fifty fathoms deep; And there lies gudc Sir Patrick Spens,

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��5<?2 The Dome Houms of Yarrow

' ATE at cen, drinkin' the wine, And ere they paid the lawin', They set a combat them between, To fight it in the dawin'.

'O stay at hame, my noble lord '

O stay at hame, my marrow' My cruel brother will you betray,

On the dowie houms o' Yarrow.'

'O fare ye weel, my lady gay'

fare ye wecl, my Sarah'

For I maun gae, tho' I ne'er return Frae the dowie banks o' Yarrow.'

She kiss'd his cheek, she kamed his hair,

As she had done before, O, She belted on his noble brand,

An' he y s awa to Yarrow.

O he J s gane up yon high, high hill

1 wat he gaed wi' sorrow

An' in a den spied nine arm'd men, I' the dowie houms o' Yarrow.

5<?2 lawin'] reckoning. marrow] mate. dowie]

doleful. houms] water-meads.

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