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37. Clark, John, M.A., provost 12 Feb., 1768 ; s. Samuel, of Colvel, co. Cambridge, cler. Pembroke, matric. 18 March, 1748-9, aged 16, B. A. 1752 ; fellow Okiel 1755-68, M.A. 1756, B. and D.D. 1768 ; vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 1765-8, canon of Rochester 1768, and rector of Purleigh, Essex, 1768, until his death 21 Nov., 1781. See Al. Ox. ii. 256. He may have been vicar of Woodnes- borough 1768-76, of Lamberhurst in 1776, and rector of Kingsdown with Mapiscombe (all) Kent, 1776.

38. Eveleigh, John, M.A., provost 5 Dec, 1781 ; s. John, vicar of Winkleigh, Devon (1745). Wadham, matric. 15 May, 1766, aged 18, B.A. 1770; fellow Oriel 1770-81, M.A. 1772, B. D. 1782, D.D. 1783, Bampton lecturer 1792, select preacher 1804 ; born 5 March, 1748. vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 1778, and of Aylesford, Kent, 1782-3, canon of Rochester, and rector of Purleigh, Essex, 178 1, until his death 10 Dec, 18 14, buried in St. Mary's church, Oxford. See Al. Ox. ii. 438.

39. Copleston, Edward, B.D., provost 22 Dec, 1814, resigned 29 Jan., 1828 ; s. John Bradford, rector of Offwell, Devon, 1773. Corpus Christi, matric 28 May, 1791, aged 15, scholar 1791, B.A. 1795; fellow Oriel 1795-18 14, M.A. 1795, tutor 1797, proctor 1807, B.D. 1808, D.D. by diploma 26 Jan., 1815 (Honours : — Latin verse 1793, English essay 1796) ; professor of poetry 1802-12; vicar of St. Mary's, Oxford, 1800-26, select preacher 1808, 16, 23, canon of St. Paul's 1812, canon of Rochester, and rector of Purleigh, Essex, 1814-28, dean of Chester 1826,

dean of St. Paul's 1828-49, and bishop of Llandaff 1828-49 ; professor of ancient history to the royal academy and F.S. A. ; born at Offwell, 2 Feb., 1776, died at Hardwick House, near Chepstow, 14 Oct., 1849. See Al. Ox. ii. 295 ; & D.N.B.

40. Hawkins, Edward, D.D., provost 31 Jan., 1828 ; s. Edward, of Bath, Somerset, cler. St. John's, matric. 2 July, 1807, aged 18, B.A. 1811, tutor 1812; fellow Oriel 1813-28, M.A. 1814, tutor 1819-28, B. and D.D. 1828 (Honours:— 1 classics and 1 mathe- matics 1811); Bampton lecturer 1840 ; dean Ireland's professor of the exegesis of holy scripture 1847-61 ; select preacher 1820, 25, 29, 42, vicar of St. Mary the Virgin, Oxford, 1823, Whitehall preacher 1827 ; born 27 Feb., 1789, vicar of Lamberhurst, Kent, 1830-4, canon of Rochester, and rector of Purleigh, Essex, 1828, until his death 18 Nov., 1882, aged 93. See Al. Ox. ii. 629 ; & D.N.B.

41 . Monro, David Binning, M. A. , provost 20 Dec. ,1882; born in Edinburgh, 16 Nov., 1836; is. Alexander Binning, of Auchinbowie, co. Stirling, arm. Brase- NOSE, matric. 16 June, 1854, aged 17 (from Glasgow university), scholar 1854 ; scholar Balliol 1854-9, B.A. 1858 ; fellow Oriel 1859-82, M.A. 1862, tutor 1863-73, vice-provost 74-82 (Honours:— 1 classical mods, and 1 mathematical mods. 1856, Ireland scholarship 1858, 1 classics and 2 mathematics 1858, Latin essay 1859), classical moderator 1866, 76, and classical examiner 1869, 71 ; delegate of the press, and of the university museum ; a student of Lincoln's Inn 1859, hon. LL.D. Glasgow 1883, hon. D.Litt., Dublin, 1892. See Al. Ox. ii. 969.


view BY BEREBLOCK, 1566. [Facsimile from hearne.]