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greater the hypertrophy. This says that an activity must always be upgraded to a consistantly higher level through maximal or near maximal stimulation. That is, all work should be performed with a progressively increased load or resistance or with increasing speed or near maximum rate.

The over loading may be for formal and functional. Formal over loading can be used to strengthen any muscle. or muscle group either by weight training or heavy calisthenics. This may be of corrective or adopted exercises. The functional overloading means that activity that overloads the movements used in the sport/game.

Intensity of work in a systematic exercise programme can be as follows.

  1. Increasing the weight, resistance or effort.
  2. Increasing the speed.
  3. Increasing the range of movement.
  4. Increasing the duration.
  5. Increasing the repetition.
  6. Increasing the rest intervals.

Or any progressive addition from one’s starting may result in increasing the dose which simply means overloading.


This simply means any development in human body is not permanent i.e. to sustain the development the exercise