Page:Pacific Monthly volumes 9 and 10.djvu/10

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Susan B. Anthony 257

Andrew Came^e ; 1 20

De Wet's Humor 184

Charles Frohman S^

Chas. R. Flint 324

German/s Emperor 184

Gov. Odcll's Methods 3^5

Good and Faithful Servant, A 1 256

Tom Loftus Johnson 183

Richard Mansfield 121

New German Envoy, The 325

Perquisite of OflSce, A 257

President as a Business Man, The 183

Roosevelt the Orator 120

Thos. B. Reed 50

Re-election of Jones, The 389

World's Richest Man. The 256

Woodrow Wilson ,,.,..., 50

C. E. S. Wood 50


Ability to Do, The 185

American Girl, The 185

As to Conversation 258

Books for Children 123

Best Children's Books, The 327

Futility of Worry, The 185

Girl Who Earns Her Living, The 259

Grown-up Daughters 122

Our Spoiled Children 391

In the White House. 391

Home Life of Joseph Chamberlain 53

"Little Boy Blue" 123

Mrs. Roosevelt's Kitchen 122

McCorkledy Veranda, The S3

Need of Play, The ^ 326

Our Boys 258

Parental Influences ....*..*...;.*;.;..;;;; 326

Sweet Aroma of Love, The S3


Anecdote of W. G. T'Vault 361

Anniversary of Founding of Civil Government 393

Correction, A 188

Early Friends of Oregon 328

First Wedding in Oregon 55

First Picture -taking in the Northwest SS

First Steamship of the Pacific, The 124

First Court in Washington 187

Solomon Hirsch 56

Joke on Col. Nesmith, A.. . 187

Oregon Historical Society, The. . ..... ;.;...:. 260

Portland's Pioneer Ferries.:..::::...:;.;: ; ; ^ 392

Reminiscences of Dr. McLoifghlin ..;..:.....:.;;. 328

Washington Historical Association, The. 188

Washington Semi-Ccntennial, The 260

THE READER {Formerly "Books). W. F. G. Thachet.

"Banner of Blue, The" ^ 126

"Conquest, The" .'.... 126

"Calvert of Strathore" 262

Captain Macklin ,,..,,, .>: , , , 57

Foreword, A. . . . .... .:....,......... 57

"Francezka" 262

"Four Feathers, The" 330

"From the Unvarying Star." H. H. Herdman 394

"Oliver Horn" 126

"In toe Garden of Charity" 263

"Master of Appleby, The" 330

Oregon Literature loo

"Pride of Tellfair, The." H. H. Herdman 331

"Pit, The." H. H. Herdman 393

Poetry of Robert Browning, The 58

"Stumbling Block, The" . ....;...................... 331

"Sea Lady. The". 58

"Told by the Death's Head" 127

"Tangled Up in Beulah Land" 189

"That Printer of Udell's." H. H. Herdman 393

"Thoroughbreds" 189

"Things That are Caesar's, The 190

"Two Vanrevels, The" 57

"Truth" 263

THE MONTH 59, ,28, 191. 264, 332. 395

General Survey, Politics, Science, Education, Art, Music and the Drama, Religious Thought.

PROGRESS 64, 133. 196, 269, 336, 401

For January and February — Oregon, Washington, The Pacific, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia. March, April, May and June — In Transportation, Population, Irrigation, the Lumber Industry, Mining, General, Opportunities. ^--> ^