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The Pacific Monthly

edited by William Bittle Wells

The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission. Extracts from articles may be made provided proper credit Is given THE PACIFIC MONTHLY.

Contents for February, 1903.

How to Take up a Timber Claim R. H. Kennedy . 71

Illustrated by Photographs

The Mystery of Lo Wan See — Short Story . Eleanor M. Heistand-Moore 82

Drawings bv Henderson

Hoodooed—Short Story .... Lou Rodman Teeple 88

Drawings by Rita Bell

Natural Wonders of the Northwest From Photographs ... 93

Water Babies—Short Story Goldie Robertson Funk . 94

Illustrations from Photographs

The George Rogers Clark Expedition . . Wallace McCamant . 99

The Hill Lesson—Poem .... Ada Thomasson . 108

Kipling and the Children .... Agnes Deans-Cameron 109

Love's Compass — Poem M. J. Gates 114


Our Point of View William Bittle Wells 115

On Things that Should Be Changed Questions of the Day "7

The College Idea—Dr. J. R. Wilson

Statecraft and Trade Men and Women .......... 130

Andrew Cancgie. RooscTclt the Orator. Richard Maasield The Home ■ . . U2

Growa-Up Daigkten. Mrs. RootCTclt'i Kitckea. " Little Boy BIk/'

Books for Ckildrca The Pioneer 134

The First Steamship of the Pacific The Reader W. F. G. Thacher 126

OliTcr Hora. Tkc Goa^Kit. Tkc Baaacr of BIk, Told by tkc Dcatk*i Head The Month 128

Gcacral Sirrcy, Politics. Scicacc, Edacatioa. Art. Masic aad tkc Draau.

Rcligioit Tkoagkt

Progress ij3

Orcgoa. Waskiagtoa. Idako, Moataaa. etc.

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Copyrighted 1908 by William Bittle WeUs. Entered at the Postoffice of Portland. Oregon, as second-class matter.

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