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The Pacific Monthly

edited by William Bittle Wells

The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission. Extracts from articles may be made provided proper credit is given THE PACIFIC MONTHLY.

Contents for January, 1903

A Young Bunchgrasser
Puget Sound Illustrated by Photographs
Puget Sound—Poem T. A. A. Siegfriedt

Adele — Sbort Story Illustrated by Henderson Goldie Robertson Funk 12

Upper and Lower Falls, Spokane. Wash. Photograph .... 18

Foot Ball in the Northwest, Season 1902 . H. H. Herdman, Jr. 19

Illustrated by Photographs A. A. U. Commissioner for the Northwest

The Blue Sea Calls — Poem Ella Higginson . 29

Scenes in Yoho Valley. British Columbia ....... 30

The Story of the Lewis 6 Clark Exposition to Date Henry E. Reed . 32

Secretary of the Board of Directors

On Beacon Hill, Victoria, B. C. — Poem Illustrated T. R. E, Mclnnes . 41


Our Point of View William Bittle Wells 44

The Promise of the New Year Questions of the Day C. E. S. Wood 46

Anthracite Goal as aa Object Lesson Men and Women .......... 50

Thos. B. Reed, Woodrow Wilson, C. E. S. Wood. Gkarlcs Frohnan The Home ............ 53

The Sweet Aroma of Love, The McCorkledy Veranda. Home Life of {oseph Chamberlain The Pioneer 55

First Wedding in Oregon, First Pictvre Taking in the Northwest. Solomon Hirsch. Etc. The Reader (Formerly "Books") . W. F. G. Thacher . 57

A Foreword, The Two Vanreveis. Captain Macklin. The Sea Lady.

The Poetry of Robert Browning The Month ........... 59

General Sarvey, Politics, Sciena. Ednation. Art. Mnsic and the Drama.

RcligioBs Thought Progress 64

Oregon, Washington, The Paciic. I^aho. Montana. British Columbia

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Copyrighted 1903 by William Bittle WelLs. Entered at the Postoffice of Portland, Oregon, as second-class matter.

The Publishers of THE PACIFIC MONTHLT will esteem it a favor if readers of the Magazine will kindly mention THE PACIFIC MONTHLY when dealing with our adver- tisers.