Page:Pacific Monthly volumes 9 and 10.djvu/142

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jest as she was ready to go she had some propputty left heh. She was goin* to stay an' fix things up, when Tex writes down that he wants heh, foh his sistah is sick oah in some trou- ble. Mis' Tex she jes' brings theyah two-year-old boy to my wife, an' says she, *Keep him till we come back.' An' to me she says, 'Judge, I leave the propputty in youah hands, I know I couldn't leave in bettah.' Them was her very wohds, gennelmen. They brought the sistah back with 'em, and though she seemed kind o' droopy foh a month oah two. Mis' Bahdwell jest petted the roses back into heh face again. Theyah goin' to have a mighty fine weddin foh heh when she an' the Lieutenant hit it off."

When I left Ed he was a-settin on

the ground, a-sayin, "Hoodooed? Well. I guess so." And after I'd gone to work for Tex again I ventured to ask how Mrs. Bardwell worked it.

"Oh, 'twas simple," says he. **She had a hypodermic syringe filled with atropine, and filled the mare's eyes. It's quicker'n belladonna, an' she done it while I was fixin' a strap that had nothin' the matter with it. A trick? Yes, and a dirty one. But if Helver had been true to Flossie it could never have been worked, for she would have died rather than do him, and he never would let any one near a horse of his before a race. My takin' the mare right away kept him from noticin' her eyes, an' they were all right in a day or two."

"Miss Flossie a-driz-in' slo-w with

a voiing off-ovJcave officer." C^ r^r^t^Ai^