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The Pacific Monthly

Edited by William Bittle Wells

The entire contents of this Magazine are covered by the general copyright, and articles must not be reprinted without special permission. Extracts from articles may be made provided proper credit is given THE PACIFIC MONTHLY.

Contents for April, 1903.

Gertrude Metcalfe Beatrice E. Rice L. L Hawkins C. W. Pefley .

E. G. Jones Dennis H. Stovall H. H. Herdman, Jr,

( Frontispiece ) 211

Sheep-eaters' Monument

Birds of the Northwest ....

Illustrations from Photographs

The Tyranny of Fear — Short Story

Draunngs by E. M. Murray

A Winter Ascent of Mt. Hood

Illustrations from Photc^raphs

Sunlight on the Hills — Poem The Great Newspapers of the Paciic Coast — First Installment: The Oregonian

Illustrated by Photographs

The Pocket-Hunter's Dream — Short Story

Drawings by Henderson

Needed: A Peacemaker — Short Story

Illustrated by Rita Bell


Our Point of View William Bittle Wells

Questions of the Day

A Pica for Higher Ednatioi— /?o6^r/ Treat Piatt Men and Women .........

A Good and Faithfnl Servant. The World's Richest Man

Susan B. Anthony, A Perqiisite of Oice

Home ............

As to Conversation. Oir Boys. The Girl Who Earns Her Living The Pioneer ...........

The Washington Semi-Centennial. The Oregon Historical Society

An Anecdote of W. G. T'Vaalt

The Reader W, F. G. Thacher

"Francczka." "Calvert of Strathore." "In the Garden of Charity." "Tmth" The Month

General Sarvey. Politics. Science. School and Chorch. Letters and Art. Music and Drama Progress 269

In Transportation. Population. Irrigation. The Lnmber Indastry

Mining. General. Opportunities

TERMS:— 11.00 a year in advance; 10 cents a copy. Subscribers should remit to us in P. O. or express money orders, or In bank checks, drafts or registered letters.

Agents for THE PACIFIC MONTHLY are wanted in every locality, and the publish- ers offer unusual inducements to flrst-class agents. Write for our terms.

Address all correspondence, of whatever nature, to

Cbe Pacific Monthly publidbing Co*

Chamber of Commerce BuUdfng. fDorttand. Oregon

223 230 237 238 244 248

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Chas. E. Ladd. Prosident

J. Thorburn Ross, Vice-President ,

Albx Sweek, Secretary

William Bittle Wells, Manager

Ceo* M. Gage. Assistant Manager

Copyrighted 1903 by William Bittle Wells. Bantered at the Postoffice of Portland. Oregron. as second-class matter.

The Publishers of THE PACIFIC MONTHLY will esteem it a favor if readers of the Magazine will kindly mention THE PACIFIC MONTHLY when dealing with our adver- tisers.

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