Page:Pacific Monthly volumes 9 and 10.djvu/8

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The Pacific Monthly Publishing Co.


CHAS. E. LADD . . . Presideat J. THORBURN ROSS Vice-President ALEX. SWEEK .... Secretary WILLIAM BITTLE WELLS Manager


Chas. E. Udd John Gill Alex. Sweek William Bittle Wells

J. Thorburn Ross C. E. S. Wood B. B. BecbMA Scaator )olia H. M itchcU

Mrs. Helea Udd Gotbett Mrs. Lischca M. MiUer Rodenck L. Madety A. L.Mills

Fraaccs E. Gotshall lames F. Failiag foaatliaa Bonrae. ]r. Mrs. ]. West

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