Page:Pacific Monthly volumes 9 and 10.djvu/92

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Ms? WrmwkeH Lr^ssoA

Down in the garden, in the shade,

Where Cupid placed an artful bench, I ling^er with the little maid

Who daily tries to teach me French; But ah, my lips will learn no more That "Je vous aime, je vous adore." "Oh! parlez-vous Fraincais," she cries;

The birds sing mating songs above, And sweet upon us smile the sj^ies,

While all the world's a world of love. 1 con my lesson o'er and o'er, Of "Je vous aime, je vous adore." Ah! in her hair the sunbeams nest.

And in her eyes the violets blow, While in the summer of her breast

The song bird thoughts flit to and fro. Oh! ne'er were words so blest before As "Je vous aime, je vous adore." The grammer flutters to the grass.

A daisy nods a knowing head. And on my breast a little lass

Outblushes all the rose's red. Ne'er lips a sweeter burden bore That "Je vous aime. je vous adore."

— Frank Leslie's.

  • * *

The warring Senators glared viciously at one another.

"Scoundrel!" hissed one.

"Robber!" snarled the other, in great heat.



The debate was approaching the unpar- liamentary stage.

"If you say another word," yelled the first Senator, his eyes snapping and his chest heaving with anger, "I shall not be respon- sible for the consequences to you."

"What will you do?" asked the second, his righ hand moving quietly toward his hip pocket.

"Do?" thundered the first. "Why, you contemptible whipper-snapper! I'll boom you for the Vice-Presidency!"

Trembling with mingled fear and wrath, the second Senator sank into his seat and gnashed his teeth in a manner that proved conclusively that he was baffled. — ^Judge.

Golden West





AbMhUvfurify, FIrMshFlsvor, CLOSSETftDEVERS



Our remnants are all large pieces, rich in de- s\gn and color. We sell a grand assortment, just the thin? for Sofa Pillows, Head Rests, Quilts, Cushions, etc. When you order goods of us, you can be sure of getting the largest package for your money. We All all orders promptly. Post- paid, one package, 25 cents; five packages, 11.00.


Our waste embroidery silk is short pieces from the factory. Tiie pieces are from three to ten yards long. It comes in odd lengths and assorted colors. It is Just the thing for Crazy Quilts, etc., (which can be made with our silk remnants), and all kinds of fancy work in various colors. We put this silk up in large packages at a low price. One package, postpaid. 10 cents; three for 25 cents; six for 50 cents; thirteen for $1.00. You cannot buy this silk in any store for double what we ask.

NORTH PACIFIC SUPPLY CO., Dept. B 593. Seattle, Wash.


Make up your order at home

Send for our 1903 Seed Annual. The most valuable and reliable seed buyers' guide ever issued in the Northwest. Tells all about the best Seeds, Plants, Hoses and Flowers for this Coast. Ask for book No. 60. Sent FREE.

Portland Seed Co., Portland, Ore.

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