Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/158

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Delesse, De Quatrefages, Bourgeois, Bateux, Gaudry, Desnoyers, and Milne-Edwards : England by MM. Falconer, Prestwich, Carpenter and Busk (Evans had also been nominated but was unable to attend). M. Milne-Edwards presided, and in the name of his French colleagues presented a report affirming the authenticity of the jaw; but after many meetings, much discussion, and a visit to Abbeville, the English representatives remained unconvinced, and so the congress dispersed, leaving the jaw as much as ever a "bone of contention." (Archæology and False Antiquities, p. 32.)

Figure(s): 19

FIG. 19. Outlines of Moulin-Quignon (upper) and Malarnaud Human Mandibles. (After Quatrefages and Hamy.)

The outline of this mandible is given on Fig. 19, and for comparison that of Malarnaud, which undoubtedly belonged to an individual of the Neanderthal-Spy race, is placed beside it.