Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/284

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known as the "Combat de Rennes" is from Laugerie Basse, (Fig. 70) here figured after Cartailhac and Breuil (L'Anth., 1907). In the British Museum there is a series of sandstone pebbles having bovidae, apparently of different species, incised on them (Fig. 71). They were found in one of the rock-

figure(s): 71

FIG. 71. Bovidae incised on two Stones from the Rock-shelter of Bruniquel (). (After British Museum Catalogue.)


shelters of Bruniquel explored by M. Peccadeau de 1'Isle, whose rich collection passed to the British Museum in 1887, and contained three famous relics, viz., two reindeer sculptured in ivory and a mammoth in reindeer-horn (PI. XV., 1, 2).

The manufacture of so many and varied weapons for the chase alone constituted a new industry, which in turn entailed a rearrangement in the flint industry. What was now wanted