Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/310

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bison (Fig. 83), where two arrows with long stems in black have a red arrow-head on each side. The meaning of this and other

figure(s): 82

FIG. 82. Pictographic Inscriptions in red :— the dotted line forming the back of the bison is a ridge in the natural rock, and the black spot seems to be a wound. The other dots and signs are conjectural. (After C. and B.,L'Anth.)


points raised is still within the domain of speculation. Among other enigmatic signs are objects like feathered arrows, groups

figure(s): 83

FIG. 83. Large Bison in Salon Noir de Niaux, with four arrow-marks (the two lateral ones are red) ; scale, (1/16). (After C. and B., L'Anth.)


of dots in circles, tectiform arrangements, etc. (Figs. 82 and 84). Photographic illustrations are necessarily somewhat obscure, owing to calcareous exudations and natural fading. On Plate