Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/337

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by bones of the stag, Cervus canadensis, roebuck, chamois, ox, horse, common bear, wild-boar, badger, wolf, beaver, rat, and some birds and fishes. Grains of wheat and a variety of fruitstones and seeds were also identified. The larger bones of two

Figure(s): 94-97

FIGS. 94-97. A Bear's Tooth, a Horn Chisel, a Stone Implement, and a Bone Pin from the Cave of Mas-d'Azil(⅔). (Col. Piette.)

human skeletons, which appeared to have been buried after the flesh had been removed, had also been marked with red patches of the peroxide of iron.

Figure(s): 98-101

FIGS. 98-101. Harpoons made of Stag-horn, from the Cave of Mas-d'Azil (⅔). (Col. Piette.)

Superimposed on this bed, but passing from it almost insensibly, were deposits of wood ashes (23½-inches thick) streaked with bands of grey, white, and red, in which were embedded quantities of land shells (Helix nemoralis), evidently