Page:Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe.djvu/50

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Two Special Lines of Investigation..

It will be seen from what has already been said, that there are two distinct lines on which investigations into the past history of mankind may be profitably conducted, both of which were contingent on the attainment of the erect attitude.

1. Chimpanzee—Troglodytes Aubryi.

2. The Naulette Jaw, from the valley of the Lesse, Belgium.

3. Melanesian, from the New Hebrides.

4. The Arcy Jaw, from the Grotte des Fées (Yonne).

5. Prom the dolmen of Chamans (Oise).

6. Modern Parisian.

Palæolithic Man and Terramara Settlements in Europe, 0050.png

Fig. 4—Profile of Various Lower Jaws (After Broca)

The evidential materials to be gathered from these different sources consist, in the one case, of some fragments of a few skeletons of former races, which by some fortuitous circumstances have to this day resisted the disintegrating forces of nature; and, in the other, of a number of specimens of man's handicraft works which, being largely made of such endurable material as