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Crown 8vo. 6s.


GUARDIAN. "Hart and exquisite book. ... It is all of a strange loveliness, and, despite its aerial quality, of real sincerity. The Education of Untie Paul is a book to puzzle the ' average reader' and rejoice the elect."

TIMES." Wholly delightful book."

PALL MALL GAZETTE. "The book is as delightful, as poetical, and as well written as might be expected from an author so rarely gifted as Mr. Blackwood unquestionably is. "

DAIL Y NEWS. " For a book so steeped in a sense of beauty, swept through and through by the clean, exhilarating winds that belong to dreams, we are unfeignedly grateful."

DAIL Y TELEGRAPH." Charmingly written, full of poetry and imagination, and one cannot help thinking will receive a warm welcome from many of those children, ' between eight and thirty,' to whom it is dedicated. "

SPECTATOR." Marked by a sense of beauty and a wealth of poetic invention for which his earliest efforts hardly prepared us."

TRUTH. " To read the book is to have your happiest child- hood restored to you, as the leaves in spring are restored to the trees."

STANDARD. "There is some very beautiful prose, some delightful humour, and an imagination that has, at the present, no rival at all for .strength, sincerity, and poetic vision."

LITERARY WORLD. " All who care for fine thought and exquisite style will make a point of reading this remarkable book. "