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ATHEN/EUM. " It is seldom indeed that we find a collection ot stories so

uniformly good as The Victories of Olivia The author is particularly

happy when writing of children and young people, her delineations of their thoughts, conversation, and point of view all being touched with delightful humour and understanding. If one story more than another lingers in the memory, it is, perhaps, that of Jimmy's Aunts, whose spare room ' had never before held anything so young as thirteen-and-a-half, or so masculine as the possessor of a bowling average.' The dialogue is refreshingly witty and to the point throughout."

PUNCH. "We have long held that for a certain type of conte brief, rather mordant, impressionist studies of modern life Miss Sharp is without her equal."

MANCHESTER GUARDIAN." The briskness of movement in the tales and the never-failing vivacity of their narrator will commend them to all alike. "


By JAMES STEPHENS. 3* 6d. net

STANDARD. "We believe The Charwoman's Daughter marks the arrival

of a novelist who will do great and memorable work in the future It is to

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EVENING STANDARD." What Mr. Stephens tried to do he has done with great success. It is safe to prophesy that in the course of the year scores of writers will set out to do what Mr. Stephens set out to do, and probably not one

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souls Mary is surely one of the most gracious figures of girlhood in

modern fiction. She is made out of music and flowers. Her elusive, dancing presence in these pages makes The Charwoman's Daughter a wholly delightful and buoyant book.