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Guzman, Don Juan Perez de,
84, 85.

Haciendas, 206.
Haciendados, 138.
Hardwood ties, 111.
Haroun-al-Raschid, 225.
Havana, 150, 154.
Hawkins, Sir John, 70, 77.
Hay, John, 148.
Heated Rock in the Culebra
Cut, 3.
High Rates on the Panama
Railroad, 111, 121.
Hodges, Colonel, 221.
Holy Ghost Orchid, 18.
Hughes, Colonel, 101.

Independence of Panama, 98,
133, 144, 147.
Iguanas, 22.
Iquique, port of, 237.
Isabella, Queen, 48.
Isabel, Dona, wife of
Pedrarias, 65.

Isle of Pines, 42.
Isthmian Canal Commission,
166, 208, 218 to 221.
Isthmus, direction of the, 6.
Isthmus Guard, the, 139.
Italians, 204.

Japan, 37, 38.
Japanese coolies, 204.
Jaguar, 20.
Jamaica, 47, 51, 81, 88, 92.
Jamaican stupidity, 203.
Jenkins, Captain, 94.
Johnson, Professor Emory R.,

Khedive of Egypt, 116.
Kissinger, John R., 157.

"Land of the Cocoanut Tree," 9.
Las Casas, 134.
Las Sabanas, 206.
Law, George, 100.
Lazear, Jesse William, 157.
Lepers, 164

Lesseps, Count Ferdinand de, 115
to 118, 121, 127, 128, 139, 229.
Light-houses, 184.
Limon Bay, 44, 251, 101, 168,
Lizards, 22.
Lock Canal, 116, 169, 174.
Locks, protection of, 232.
Lock chambers, 182.
Lock gates, 181.
Loss of life, in building Panama
Railroad, 107; in building
French Canal, 123.
Lowell, President, of Harvard,
Lunatics, 164.

Macana, 27.
Machete, uses of the, 14, 17.
Magellan, Straits of, 76, 88, 94,
113, 237.
Magoon, Governor Charles E.
Magoon, 160.
Manila, 34, 94.
Malaria, 102, 121, 122, 159, 165.
Manzanillo Island, 101.
Marco Polo, 36.
Marines, United States, 144, 217,
Martiniquans, 204.
Matachin, 184, 251.
Mendoza, President, of Panama,
Mexico, 34, 43, 243.
Miraflores, 164, 194.
Mississippi Valley, 3, 238.
Monkey Hill, 105.
Morgan, Sir Henry, 81 to 86.
Mosquitoes, 26, 102, 122, 154,
157, 158, 160, 163, 165.
Mount Hope, 105, 193, 196.
Mountains, 5.

Natives, 26, 244.
Naos, Island of, 88, 194.
Nashville, United States
gunboat, 144.
National Institute of Panama, 212.