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Tarantulas, 26.
Tartary, Great Kahn of, 42.
Technical Commission, 117, 118,
Tehuantepec, 34.
Tehuantepec Railroad, 35.
Telegraph, the, 102.
Telegraph poles, III, 187.
Temperature, 3, 10, 199.
"Ten Families," the, 244.
Terra Firma, 38.
Texas, 244.
Tidal Basin, 118, 127.
Tides, difference in, 9, 118.
Titanic, the, 174.
Tivoli Hotel, the, 208.
Toro Point Breakwater, 168.
Torres, Colonel, 144.
Totten, Colonel, 100, 102, 105,
Tourists, 207, 212, 243.
Towing-locomotives, 178.
Track-shifter, 190.
Trautwine, Mr., 100, 101.
Treaty of 1846, the, 133.
Trees, 13, 14.
Turks, 204
Tuberculosis, 153.
Tuyra River, 5.
Type 17 House, 195.

Underground passages, 211.
United Fruit Company, 243.
Union Oil Company of
California, 236.
Union Pacific Railroad. 113.
United States Army Engineering
Corps, 220.
United States Army Medical
Corps, 154.
United States Canal Zone
Circuit Courts, 205.
United States Government, 129, 133,
140, 149, 150, 208, 244.

Unloader, 190.
Uraba, Gulf of, 48, 50.

Valdivia, port of, 237.
Valparaiso, port of, 237.
Vasco de Gama, 41.
Vegetation, 13.
Venta Cruz (see Cruces), 71, 75.
Veragua, 44, 47, 48, 50, 80.
Vera Cruz, 34, 70.
Vernon, Admiral Edward, 94.
Vespucci, Amerigo, 49.
Volcanoes, 3.

Wafer, Lionel, 91.
Walker, Rear-Admiral John G.,
Walker Commission, 218.
Wallace, Mr. John F., 218
War of 1812, 241.
"War of Jenkins' Ear," 94.
War of the Spanish Succession,
Waterworks, 163.
Watlings Island, 36.
West Indian negroes, 107, 128,
West Point, 148, 220.
William III, 92.
Williamson, Mr. B. S., Civil
Engineer, 221.
Women's Clubs, 199.
Wood, General Leonard, 157.
Wyse, Lieutenant L. N. B., 114.

Yams, 18.
Yellow Fever, 97, 121, 153, 157,
160, 163, 165, 167.
Yellow Fever Commission, 157.
Yellow Fever Immunes, 153.
"Yellow Peril," the, 222.
Yucatan, 42, 43.

Zone Police, the, 204, 207, 235