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"Plainly, you are what is known as 'worse-born.' The technical explanation runs:

Sons of four divergent kinds
Are discerned by well-trained minds:
'Born,' and 'like-born,' 'better-born';
Lastly, 'worse-born' has their scorn.

'Born' the mother's image gives;
'Like-born' like the father lives;
'Better-born' more nobly acts;
'Worse-born' morally subtracts.

"Ah, there is wisdom in the saying:

By whom far-piercing wisdom or
Great wealth or power is won
To lift the family, in him
A mother has a son.


A merely striking beauty
Is not so hard to find;
A rarer gem is wisdom,
Far-reaching power of mind.

"Yes, there is sense in the story:

Right-Mind was one, and Wrong-Mind two;
I know the tale by heart:
The son in smoke made father choke
By being supersmart."

"How was that?" asked Victor. And Cheek told the story of


In a certain city lived two friends, sons of merchants, and their names were Right-Mind and