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powerful and knows when to strike. Therefore make peace with him. For the saying goes:

Bow your head before the great,
Lifting it when times beseem,
And prosperity will flow
Ever onward, like a stream.

And again:

Make your peace with powerful foes
Who are rich and good and wise,
Who are seasoned conquerors,
In whose home no discords rise.

Make your peace with wicked men,
If your life endangered be;
Life, itself first made secure,
Gives the realm security.

And again:

Make your peace with him whose wont
'Tis to conquer in a fight;
Other foes will bend their necks
To you, fearful of his might.

Even with equals make your peace;
Victory is often given
Whimsically; take no risks—
Says the current saw in heaven.

Even with equals victory
Whimsically may alight.
Try three other methods first;
Only in extremis fight.

And yet again:

See! The bully to whose soul
Power is all, and peace is not,