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"Thus, success comes with minimum effort to a man of wisdom and manliness. For

Wisdom broods o'er the inception;
Memory does not fail;
Means appear to predilection;
Counsels wise prevail;
Sparkles fruitful meditation;
Mind attains its height;
Joy achieves its consummation
In a worthy fight.

"Thus kingship belongs to the man possessing prudence, capacity for self-sacrifice, and courage. As the verse puts it:

Associate in full delight
With someone who is wise,
Self-sacrificing, brave; thereby
Win virtue as a prize;
On virtue follows money; and
On money follows fame;
Then, personal authority;
And then, the kingly name."

And Cloudy replied: "It is wonderful how immediate is the reward of knowing social ethics. By virtue of which you penetrated and exterminated Foe-Crusher with his retinue." Whereupon Live-Strong said:

"Where at last you need sharp measures,
First try gentle measures there:
Thus the lofty, lordly tree-trunk
Is not felled without a prayer.