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Browns and Wrappings

Name of Paper. Size in Inches. Area in Square Inches. Weights Equivalent to Demy 10 lb., 480 sheets.
Small hand 20 × 15 300
Lumberhand 22 × 17½ 363¾ 10
Kent cap 21 × 18 378
Small cap 25 × 17 425 11
Bag cap 24 × 19½ 468 12
Havon cap 26 × 21 546 14
Double small hand 29 × 20 580 15
Double crown 30 × 20 600 15
Imperial 29 × 22½ 652½ 17
Elephant 32 × 24 768 19
Double small cap 34 × 25 850 22
Double bag cap 39 × 24 944 24
Quad small hand 40 × 30 1,200 31
Double imperial 45 × 29 1,305 33
Double elephant 46 x 31 1,426 37
Casing 46 × 36 1,656 42

Extremes of Weights and Prices

Name of Paper. Equivalent Weights in Demy, 480 sheets. Prices per Cwt. Usual Sizes.
Browns 18–48 7s. 6d. to 21s. Various
Drapers' caps 6–10 11s. 6d.  to  26s. Double crown
Krafts 11–42 12s.  to  19s.
M.G. caps 7–18 15s.  to  19s. Double crown and quad crown
Sealings, M.G., unglazed, and coloured 12–24 16s.  to  25s. Various
Rope browns 18–54 11s.  to  21s. Various