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Equivalent Weights of Papers of Various Sizes based on the Weight of Demy, 22½ in. × 17½ in.

Area in Square Inches. Size of Paper. Size in Inches. ½ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
563¾ Super-royal printing 27½ × 20½ .72 1.43 2.86 4.30 5.32 7.16 8.59 10.02 11.46 12.89 14.32 17.18 20.05 22.91 25.78 28.64 31.50 34.37
579½ Double post, wtg. 30½ × 19 .74 1.47 2,94 4.42 5.89 7.36 8.83 10.30 11.77 13.25 14.72 17.66 20.60 23.54 26.49 29.43 32.37 35.32
600 Double crown 30 × 20 .76 1.52 3.05 4.57 6.10 7.62 9.14 10.69 12.19 13.72 15.24 18.28 21.33 24.38 27.42 30.47 33.52 36.57
606⅜ Double post, printing 31½ × 19¼ .77 1.54 3.08 4.62 6.16 7.70 9.24 10.78 12.32 13.86 15.40 18.48 21.56 24.64 27.72 30.80 33.88 36.96
620 Double demy, writing 31 × 20 .79 1.57 3.15 4.72 6.30 7.87 9.44 11.02 12.59 14.17 15.74 18.89 22.04 25.18 28.34 31.48 34.64 37.78
644 Elephant 28 × 23 .82 1.64 3.27 4.91 6.54 8.18 9.81 11.45 13.08 14.72 16.36 19.62 22.89 26.16 29.43 32.71 35.98 39.25
660 Imperial 30 × 22 .84 1.68 3.35 5.03 6.70 8.38 10.06 11.73 13.41 15.08 16.76 20.11 23.46 26.81 30.17 33.52 36.87 40.22
693 Double large post 33 × 21 .88 1.76 3.52 5.28 7.04 8.80 10.56 12.32 14.08 15.84 17.60 21.12 24.64 28.16 31.68 35.20 38.72 42.24
750 Quad pott 30 × 25 .95 1.90 3.81 5.71 7.62 9.52 11.42 13.33 15.23 17.14 19.04 22.85 26.66 30.46 34.28 38.09 41.90 45.70
787½ Double demy 35 × 22½ 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 44.00 48.00
828 Double medium, printing 36 × 23 1.05 2.10 4.20 6.31 8.41 10.51 12.62 14.72 16.82 18.93 21.03 25.23 29.43 33.64 37.85 42.05 46.26 50.46
884 Atlas 34 × 26 1.12 2.25 4.49 6.74 8.98 11.23 13.47 17.96 15.72 20.21 22.45 26.94 31.43 35.92 40.41 44.90 49.39 53.88
912 Double royal, writing 38 × 24 1.16 2.32 4.63 6.95 9.26 11.58 13.89 16.21 18.52 20.84 23.16 27.79 32.42 37.04 41.68 46.32 50.94 55.58
1,000 Double royal, printing 40 × 25 1.27 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16 12.70 15.24 17.78 20.32 22.86 25.40 30.47 35.55 40.63 45.71 50.79 55.87 60.95
1,064 Double globe 38 × 28 1.35 2.70 5.40 8.11 10.81 13.51 16.21 18.91 21.62 24.32 27.02 32.42 37.83 43.23 48.64 54.04 59.44 64.84
1,080 Double elephant 40 × 27 1.37 2.74 5.49 8.23 10.97 13.71 16.46 19.20 21.94 24.69 27.43 32.91 38.39 43.88 49.37 54.85 60.34 65.82
1,200 Quad crown 40 × 30 1.52 3.05 6.10 9.14 12.19 15.24 18.28 21.33 24.38 27.42 30.47 36.57 42.66 48.76 54.84 60.95 67.04 73.14
1,320 Double imperial 44 × 30 1.68 3.35 6.70 10.06 13.41 16.76 20.11 23.46 26.82 30.17 33.52 40.22 46.93 53.63 60.34 67.04 73.75 80.45
1,575 Quad demy 45 × 35 2.00 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 40.00 48.00 56.00 64.00 72.00 80.00 88.00 96.00
2,000 Quad royal 50 × 40 2.54 5.08 10.16 15.24 20.32 25.40 30.48 35.56 40.64 45.72 50.80 61.94 71.10 81.26 91.42 101.60 111.74 121.90
2,128 Quad globe 56 × 38 2.70 5.40 10.81 16.21 21.62 27.02 32.42 37.83 43.23 48.64 54.04 64.34 75.66 86.46 97.28 108.03 111.33 129.68

To obtain equivalent weights of heavier papers, take the column which is a multiple of the weight, and multiply, e.g., 72 lb. demy, equivalent in atlas required; 24 lb. demy: 53.88; 72=53.88 × 3 = 161.64 = 162 lb. Or take the unit column from table, multiply and add, e.g., demy 65 lb., equivalent weight required in super-royal printing; 6 lb. demy=8.59 super-royal. 60 lb.=85.9; 5 lb. =7.16=93.06=93 lb. super-royal. The table may, of course, be used to obtain all equivalents, such as imperial, 40 lb.; required weight of demy=24 lb. demy. The nearest whole number should be taken, except when ordering regular stock weights.