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Note.—The Alphabetical List of Papers, pages 113-34, is not included in the Index.

Absorbent papers, testing, 104
Accounts, stock paper, 93
Advantages of scientific conditions in machine rooms, 69
Air-dried browns, 56
Alphabetical list of papers, 113-34
Alum in paper, 6
Amount of loading permissible in paper, 20, 64
Analysis of mixture of fibres, 110
Aniline sulphate solution, 106
Animal sizing, 6
Apparatus for paper testing, 112
Art paper, 47
— — decomposition of glue in, 76
— — durability of, 65
— — manufacture of, 48
— — picking or lifting of, 73
— — testing, 73
Ashcroft paper-testing machine, 100
Ash of papers, 105

Bamboo, 3
— fibres, microscopical examination of, 110
— testing for, 107
Bank notes, 38, 39
— paper, 39
Beating engine, 9
— rags, 11
— wood pulp, 13
Bleaching powder, 11
— pulp, 11
Blotting papers, manufacture of, 51
— — enamelled, 52
Board machine, 36
Boards, box, 50
— coated, 50
— table of prices of, 141
Boards, to find prices and weights, 146
Boiling rags, 9
Bond papers, 39
Books and periodicals, 154
— mixture of shades of papers in, 81
— quantity of paper required for, 148
Bound books, direction of paper for, 78
Box boards, 50
— — manufacture of, 36
Bristol boards, manufacture of, 36
Broke, 29
Browns, air-dried, 56
— and wrappings, table of sizes, weights, and prices, 142
— cylinder-dried, 56
Bursting strain, 100

Cardboards, 59
— cockling of, 72
— table of prices of, 141
Card index boards, characteristics of, 58
Cards, table of sizes and methods of cutting, 140
— index, sizes of, and methods of cutting, 140
Care of paper, 90
Cartridge papers, 41
— — table of weights and prices, 139
Carriage panels, manufacture of, 36
Carrington paper-testing machine, 99
Cellulose, 2
— in fibres, 61
Change of colour of papers, 77
Characteristics of card index boards, 58
— — ledger papers, 39