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Fastness to light of colouring matters, 103
Featherweight paper, 45, 64, 81
— — durability of, 45, 64
Fibre composition, examination of, 106
Fibres, bamboo, 110
— cellulose in, 61
— classification of, 64
— cotton, 4, 61, 108
— esparto, 5, 62, 110
— flax, 62
— hemp, 4, 109
— jute, 5, 109
— linen, 4, 109
— manilla, 5, 109
— microscopical examination of, 107
— straw, 5, 109
— wood, 5, 62, 1 10
Filling, 6
Filter papers, manufacture of, 51
Finish, machine, 25
Finish of paper, testing, 101
Finishing paper, 28
Flax fibres, 62
Flint glazed papers, 32, 49
Fluff from papers, 75
Folding machine, 101
— tests, 101
Fourdrinier machine, 18
Friction glazing, 31

Gummed papers, 55
— non-curling, 55

Halfstuff, 10, 12
Hand- and machine-made papers, distinguishing between, 85, 86
— — mould-made papers, distinguishing between, 87
— — — and machine-made papers, comparison between, 87
Hand-made papers, 14
— printings, 44
Hemp fibres, 4, 109
— microscopical examination of, 109
Hollander, 9

Imitation art paper, 47
— — loading in, 20
Impression paper, 52
Index cards, characteristics of, 58
— table of sizes and methods of cutting, 140
— — prices, 141
Ink for coated papers, 75
Insides, 30, 33
Iodine solution, 108
Ivory boards, manufacture of, 35

Judging paper, 80
Jute fibres, 5, 109
— microscopical examination of, 109

Kraft papers, 56
— — weights and prices, 142

Laid dandy roll, 23
Leather boards, manufacture of, 36
Ledger papers, characteristics of, 39
Leunig paper-testing machine, 98
Letterpress printers, stock papers for, 91
Linen fibres, 4, 109
— — microscopical examination of, 109
Lithographers, stock papers for, 93
Litho. papers, 46, 82
stretching of, 46, 71
Loading, 6
— amount of, permissible in printings, 26, 64
— — writings, 20, 64
— — present in imitation art papers, 20
— china clay as, 20
— testing for, 105
Loan papers, 39
Loft drying, 17
Loss of strength in papers, 64

Machine finish (M.F.), 25, 30
— made papers, 18
— — writing papers, 30
— — — tub sizing, 30
Manilla fibres, 5, 109
— microscopical examination of, 1 06
Manufacture of art paper, 48
— of blotting paper, 51
— of Bristol boards, 36
— of duplex boards, 35
— of filter paper, 51
— of ivory boards, 35
— of millboards, 36
— of pasteboards, 36