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Weights of browns and wrappings, 142
— of printings, 136
— of writings, 138
Wet end of paper machine, 21
Wildness in paper, 112
Wire mark in paper, 84
Wood fibres, 5, 62, 110
— microscopical examination of, 110
— pulp, 13
— beating, 13
— chemical, 3, 13, 110
— mechanical, 3, 6, 13, 110
Wood, mechanical, testing for, 106
— Mitscherlich, 62
Woolley paper-testing machine, 100
Wove dandy roll, 23
Wrapping papers, 55
— — manufacture of, 56
Writing papers, 39
— — loading in, 20, 64
tables of sizes, weights, and prices, 138

Yankee papermaking machine, 25