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The library of the papermaker is well furnished with excellent works on the manufacture of paper, but the printer, stationer, and student are not so well catered for. The present volume aims to present a concise and comprehensive treatise on the manufacture and use of paper, which shall be intelligible to the student, and at the same time sufficiently progressive to lead to the study of the larger works on papermaking.

The late Mr Richard Parkinson was responsible for a work which sought to fill the want in the printer's technical library, and by extensive study and research he was able to produce a clear and concise book on paper and its uses. An important feature of great practical value was a section of samples bound at the end of the work. By adopting the plan of this earlier volume, the Author feels that the utmost usefulness is obtained. This has been possible by the generosity of Mr R. E. Parkinson, who placed the rights in his father's work at the writer's disposal.

Reference to the Syllabus of the Examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute for Typographic and Lithographic Students will show that a more detailed knowledge of the manufacture of paper and its use is expected than can be found in the text-
