Page:Papers of the New Haven Colony Historical Society, v9.djvu/335

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jared ingersoll papers, 1765–66.

ye offence is Committed, or if at Sea to ye Next, that is to the nearest in Point of Distance; yt ye fees of Office in ye custom Houses shall be all fixt & be ye same in All; that an Alteration in ye late act shall be made, giving a liberty of Carying Lumber Directly to Ireland & also to any Parts of Europe South of Cape Finisterre. A farther alteration has been Ask'd, viz. of liberty to cary wine, fruit & oil directly from Portugal & Spain &c to America, and to suffer a Draw back upon forreighn Sugars upon Reexportation to Europe, as also an Abatement of ye Duty upon Molases, but these are at present Denied:—the first from a fear yt ye Duty upon ye Wines will not be paid in America, there not having as yet been time for a full proof of ye Punctuality of ye Custom-Houses there; ye 2d because of Great Frauds being Generaly practiced in ye Cases of Draw back upon reexportation; and ye 3d because there has not been Sufficient Experience of what duty ye Molases will bear. Some Alterations also tis said will be made with Regard to yt Strictness that is required in ye Matter of Cockets for Every article of Goods caryed Coastwise &c. These I believe are ye principal regulations that relate to America, that may be expected to take place this Session,—And here as well to do Justice to the Minister Mr. Grenville as to the Comparative few who have interested themselves in the Concerns of America, I beg leave to say that I think no pains have been spared, on the one Side in behalf of America to make the most ample & strong representation in their favour, & on the other on the part of the Minister to hear patiently, to listen attentively to the reasonings & to Determin at least seemingly with coolness & upon principle upon the several Measures, which are Resolved on.

I have no need to tell you that in modern times convincing the Minister is convincing the House here, Especially in matters of Revenue.—I forgot one Article viz. the Post Office, ye fees of which tis said are to be lowerd in America.

And now Sr. in order to give you, in the best manner I am able, an Idea of the Conferences, Sentiments & reasonings upon these Subjects, on this Side the Water, you will be pleased to Imagine to yourself a few Americans with the Minister, or any