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or other, he become a laughing-stock to the beings who are above, and to those who are below.

452. The correct rule of conduct for him that loveth God is to be without blame.

453. A certain old man returned an answer against evil thoughts, and said unto the brethren, “Now I beseech you, O my brethren, that we cease from the ascetic life and its labours, and that we also desist from the anxieties of evil thoughts. For what are we? A sound which cometh from the fine dust, or a sound which cometh from the dust of the ground. Joseph of Râmâh, having asked to [be allowed to] take away the body of Jesus, removed it and swathed it with swathings of fine linen, and then laid it in a new grave. Now the pure heart is the new grave of the new man.”

454. The devils said unto one of the old men, wishing to lead him astray, “Dost thou wish to see Christ?” And he said unto them, “My curse be upon you, and on that which ye say, for I believe in Christ Who said, ‘If they say unto you, Behold, here is Christ, or, Behold, there is Christ, believe them not’ ” (St. Matthew 24:23); and immediately the devils disappeared.

455. What is [the meaning of] the word which the Apostle spake, “To the pure all things are pure?” (Titus 1:15.) The old man said unto him, “If a man cometh to this word, and arriveth at this measure, he will see that he himself hath more shortcomings than any other creature, and that he is inferior to every being.” The brother said unto him, “How is it possible for me to consider myself more imperfect than a murderer and inferior to him? Is it possible for me to consider the murderer and the fornicator, whose actions are abominable, better than myself?” And the old man answered and said unto him, “If a man attaineth unto this word, and he seeth his neighbour committing a murder, or doing something else which is not good, he will think within himself, saying, ‘This is [only] one sin, and this man hath only committed this one sin, but I am at all times a murderer through hatred and a wicked will.’ ”

456. A brother asked Abbâ Job, the brother of Abbâ Poemen, concerning a word which the Apostle spake, saying (Philippians 2:3), “Esteem every man to be more excellent than thyself.” And the old man answered and said, “If a man hath arrived at this measure, and he seeth the offence of his brother, he will conceal it as if it had never happened.”

457. An old man used to say, “I never take a step without first learning where I am about to put my foot, but I stand up and look about me carefully, and I am not careless, and