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and for six whole days I ate nothing whatsoever. Now that old man was occupied with his work of basket-making the whole day long, and when the evening came he soaked some palm leaves in water, and worked the whole night through. And on the following day, after the ninth hour, he answered and said unto me, ‘Brother, when hast thou the power to perform this work of the spiritual vision?’ And I answered and said unto him, ‘Yea, father, and whence hast thou the power [to work thus]? We have accustomed ourselves to learn this from our youth.’ And the old man said unto me, ‘I have never received teaching of this kind from my fathers. But as thou seest me now, even so have I been all [my] days. A little work and a little meditation, and a little singing of the Psalms, and a little prayer; I have cleansed my thoughts according to my power, and I resist [as far as I can] the thoughts which rush upon me. And in this manner, afterwards, there dawned upon me the spirit of visions, as I learned this [faculty], and I knew not that any man possessed this gift.’ Then I answered and said unto him, ‘I have learned this from my youth up.’ ”

586. B. How ought a man to see the order of the divine vision?

O.M. The Scriptures have shown [him how].

587. B. How?

O.M. Daniel saw Him as the Ancient of Days. And Ezekiel saw Him on the chariot of the Cherubim. And Isaiah saw Him upon a lofty and glorious throne. And Moses persisted in being with Him Who cannot be seen, as if he saw Him.

588. B. And how can the mind see that which cannot be seen? O.M. A king cannot be seen, as far as his exact image is concerned, when he is sitting on the throne.

589. B. And is it right for a man to depict God in this manner?

O.M. And what is the better for a man to depict God in his mind in this manner, or to bow himself down to many abominable thoughts?

590. B. Peradventure this is accounted as sin?

O.M. No. Only thou must hold according to what the Scriptures have shown [thee], and the fulfilment of the matter will come of itself, even as the Apostle said, “Now, as in a miracle, we see in parable, but then face to face,” the meaning of which is as if a man were to say, “When the mind hath been made perfect, then it will be able to see with ease and freedom.”

591. B. And is there no confusion in the mind in respect of this?