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Book 2.
Paradiſe loſt.

And kennel there, yet there ſtill bark’d and howl’d
Within unſeen. Farr leſs abhorred then theſe
660Vex’d Scylla bathing in the Sea that parts
Calabria from the hoarse Trinacrian ſhore:
Nor uglier follow the Night-Hag, when call’d
In ſecret, riding through the Air ſhe comes
Lur’d with the ſmell of infant blood, to dance
With Lapland Witches, while the labouring Moon
Eclipſes at thir charms. The other ſhape,
If ſhape it might be call’d that ſhape had none
Diſtinguiſhable in member, joynt, or limb,
Or ſubſtance might be call d that ſhadow ſeem’d,
670For each ſeem’d either; black it ſtood as Night,
Fierce as ten Furies, terrible as Hell,
And ſhook a dreadful Dart; what ſeem’d his head
The likeneſs of a Kingly Crown had on.
Satan was now at hand, and from his ſeat
The Monſter moving onward came as faſt,
With horrid ſtrides, Hell trembled as he ſtrode.
Th’ undaunted Fiend what this might be admir’d,
Admir’d, not fear’d; God and his Son except,
Created thing naught vallu’d he nor ſhun’d;
680And with disdainful look thus firſt began.
Whence and what art thou, execrable ſhape,
That dar’ſt, though grim and terrible, advance
Thy miſcreated Front athwart my way
To yonder Gates? through them I mean to paſs,
That be aſſur’d, without leave askt of thee:
Retire, or ta’te thy folly, and learn by proof,
Hell-born, not to contend with Spirits of Heav’n.
To whom the Goblin full of wrauth reply’d,
Art thou that Traitor Angel, art thou hee,