That of a Nation arm'd the strength contain'd:
And I perswade me God had not permitted
His strength again to grow up with his hair
Garrison'd round about him like a Camp
Of faithful Souldiery, were not his purpose
To use him further yet in some great service,1510
Not to sit idle with so great a gift
Useless, and thence ridiculous about him.
And since his strength with eye-sight was not lost,
God will restore him eye-sight to his strength.
Chor.Thy hopes are not ill founded nor seem vain
Of his delivery, and thy joy thereon
Conceiv'd, agreeable to a Fathers love,
In both which we, as next participate.
Man.I know your friendly minds and O what noise!
Mercy of Heav'n what hideous noise was that!1520
Horribly loud unlike the former shout.
Chor.Noise call you it or universal groan
As if the whole inhabitation perish'd,
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Samson Agonistes.